Thursday, 21 November 2019


Once upon a time the little girl she was sad . The girl saw the bubble and the 

girl was wilking on the beach she sad . She went down to the beach the girl was 

happy in side the bubble the girl blew the bubible then the girl was happy 

My Brother

I like the book  my Brother 

Thursday, 7 November 2019

The marshmallow

Once upon a time the boy screamed because he was scared of the green ugly dragon 

on the big hot fire squishy and sweet marshmallow then the boy ran away from 

the  green ugly dragon and then the boy gave the marshmallow to the green ugly dragon.

How make play dough

In gredients
2 cup of Flour

 1-2 a cup of salt 

2 tablespoons  of oil

2 tablespoons of  

cream taratar 

1 tea spoons of  

food colouring 


using a spoon mix all  the dry 

ingredients in a bowl . add all the wet . ingradients and mix

Tim Favourite toy

I  alway's like this book   it that because it so nice to read it cheack  it out .

A treasure Island

I like the book is very cool